Domain Name System (DNS) Print

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The Domain Name System (DNS) is a distributed database, arranged hierarchically, containing records for domain names.

The DNS system's main aim is to match a domain name to an IP Address. In order to fulfill this role, the DNS Server contains Resource Records (Records) in a Zone File, which contains the domain name and IP address mappings for computers contained within that Zone. All Resource Records have a Time To Live TTL (TTL), specifying the number of seconds other DNS servers and applications are allowed to cache the Record.

Once you have setup DNS service for your domain name, you need to modify the domain name's Name Servers to the ones specified by epHostGuru.

Do not be confused when you encounter errors such as No NS A records at nameservers while using some DNS Tools like This does not indicate an error and will not affect the resolution of your domain name or any Resource Record created by you.

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